It's so nice to be back on the Melville! The food is amazing, the crew are awesome, there is so much space, and I actually know what I'm doing! These last two days I was able to answer questions people asked me about how, when, and what I'm doing this cruise. I have two girls working with me so I've been teaching them everything we're gonna be doing, and so grateful that we're going to have these extra hands. Of course more hands means my boss can assign our group more work, which he did, but it would have been hell trying to do this all with just me and my two bosses. I don't know what it is about this cruise though, I'm more exhausted after these two days than I've been on any part of any of my cruises....
Last night was the final night on land before the science begins, which means everyone tried to drink more than their month and a half worth of alcohol. As with all the cruises, this is when the science party actually meets each other and the "I'm smarter than you" walls come down. It's pretty much the same way every time: the casual where are you from conversations (1st round), little more deep what got you into this field (2nd and third round), the laughing and story telling of previous cruises (4th round), dancing - or at least what you call it when scientists try to dance (what round are we on now??), and then the last and most interesting part of the night --> drunken scientists in the process of making their funny stories for future cruises. This is when I hiked my skort up to make them shorts so we could go swimming in the ocean and hop from speed boat to speed boat anchored on that shore.....needless to say my body looks like I got into a wrestling match with a sumo wrestler. There is more to this story, but I'm falling asleep typing this sooo you'll have to ask me about it later in life :) nighty night
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