Wednesday, August 31

Welcome to Barbados!

Just got into Barbados, and surprisingly I have no complaints from the travels coming here. Everything went amazingly smooth (and with that comment I just jinxed the next three days of set up...)! As I'm travelling to more and more places they are all starting to fuse into one, especially here. As we drove in the taxi to the hotel (which was also very uneventful - thank God!) every house reminded me of the different places I've been. There were small pink houses that reminded me of Costa Rica, there were outdoor bars and dives that reminded me of India, and there was even a house that reminded me of my old grandmother's house....I think that means I'm becoming cultured?!?!?!?!?
This is the one and only night we're on land, and then we're sleeping on the Melville (the boat I had my first cruise on in Costa Rica) for a very longggg time. We'll be in port for the next two days setting up, which means all our meals will be on land so I'll be able to stretch my legs...and then the fun begins! OK, it's way passed my, complaining, adventures, shit show that is me all to come in the future!