Sunday, May 15

So more about this boat

The boat I'm on is called the Oscar Dyson, and I've never seen so many female crew members on a ship before...I don't know if it is a NOAA (National Oceanographical blah blah) thing or just this boat. Also, the backround of my blog is literally the background of what I'm seeing - only we aren't near any mountains at the moment. This boat r0lls like none other I've ever been on (which is only two, but I still think that's saying something), and I'm considering downing the drowsy pills just to get through the first couple of days. I am the youngest one on this ship, with the least seagoing experience and am the only one in my group trying to do just as much or even more than other groups. I wrote my boss today to see if we could dim down some of the filtering, because I just don't think this is realistic.....
The food, like the Melville has been delicious so there goes my hopes of losing a lot of weight these two weeks - overrated....We are currently travelling to where the ice is (which will take about 3-4 days, because we are picking up and deploying moorings...) and then once we get there there will be a station every 10 miles, which means every 50 minutes. I am going to try to accomplish getting data from every 3 or 4 station...Ok, I'm off to later in the week but since it's only a 2 week cruise you might be able to wait until I get back home....

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