Wednesday, May 25

Holy Rolling Boat Batman....

Working on a ship is one thing. But I just looked out the window and the waves were so hight that I couldn't see the sky. As I'm sitting in a wheel-less chair typing this, I am sliding toward and away from the computer....this is crazy! I'm running late today because the person filtering on the same schedule as me woke up late. I just caught up, and now his boss isn't ready for me to do a station right now, so once again, I'm late! Not the happiest, thrown around, camper on this boat. Water's falling everywhere, my whole filter rig fell over....working when the boat is flying like this is just not the most accurate science - but I guess that's what you would expect in the Bering Sea. Add this to the list of experiences I won't miss....

1 comment:

  1. Hi. I thought you were coming home on the 30th.
    Now it is the 31st? Darn.....Keep your stick down
