Tuesday, June 29

We just had two days off in our transit picking up Joaquim and returning to the dome, so I caught up on my sleep and am ready to spend the 12 - 13 hours after we start are transect (approximately at 22:00 tonight) filtering water. We just found the spectrophotometer, so we can also run more samples than we thought on this cruise. Needless to say, buh bye free time!!! This is good though, being on a boat with nothing to do is brutal!!! I think I'll go take a nap now....rough life!


  1. Hi kelly,
    what did you do with the squid? pity you lost the ink as you could have made black pasta!:)
    I look forward to your blog - how is Ali doing? We thought of you two when we had a water balloon fight on deck - i told the guys that if our other interns were on board you guys wouldnt have come out alive!

  2. The hawaii student cuts them open, identifies their species and gender, and then takes samples for future isotopic composition analysis. Ali is doing well too, and I think a water balloon fight on deck might not be the best idea. I'd probably get so into it and end up falling over...Glad you made it back to Maine safe, and I'll see you in August!!
